In a bizarre incident, West Yorkshire Police officers stopped a driver transporting a dangerously long load in Elland, near Halifax, West Yorkshire. The vehicle with the load was longer than a bus. To make matters worse, the driver had attached a hi-vis jacket to the end of the heavy load in an attempt to warn other motorists!

The driver was stopped and dealt with for having a dangerous load. As per the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 and other sections of road traffic law, drivers are legally obliged to ensure that their vehicle is safe, including any items they are carrying. This means they must not overload their vehicle or carry items which will cause danger or inconvenience to others. If the load is too long, it becomes difficult for other drivers on the road to safely navigate around it.

The police have urged all drivers to remember their legal obligations when driving on public roads. They have also reiterated that loads should not be carried unless absolutely necessary and if so – then should be appropriately secured and within legal limits on size and weight. Failing to do so can result in prosecution and fines from £50 up to £2,500 depending on how serious the offence is deemed by magistrates or courts of law.

It’s important for all drivers and companies who transport goods by road to take extra care when loading and securing items on vehicles. Not only does this protect themselves but other people using public roads as well. Always check your loads are secure before setting off on your journey!

News Credits: Caught by the long arm of the law! Driver stopped with dangerous metal load

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