An overweight van was spotted driving eastbound on the M62 motorway, prompting authorities to pull it over in Thornham. The scrap van was dangerously overloaded, weighing 4150kgs or 18.5% more than the legal maximum weight limit. A prohibition order was issued until the load and weight were corrected, as well as Graduated Fixed Penalty Notices (GFPNs).

This story reinforces the significance of performing regular maintenance checks on commercial vehicles and their drivers. In accordance with PG170 stipulations, vehicles need to be kept within a permissible weight; failure to do so could result in a penalty for the offending vehicle – depending on just how much it exceeds its mandated limit. Furthermore, drivers may be penalised for carrying an insecure load that jeopardises road safety; if the driver is found in violation of this law, they could receive up to 5 points on their licence and incur unlimited fines depending on the extent of regulation infringement.

To promote safety on public roads, the current government has invested millions of pounds into creating technology that will guarantee every vehicle meets its necessary specifications. This measure is part of their larger effort to ensure road users are protected from any potential dangers. Advanced cameras and sensors are being installed in vehicles to identify any potential issues like loose or damaged parts. Additionally, the sensors can put out notifications if a vehicle is over its legal weight limit. This technology helps keep roads safe by monitoring cars on the go!

This experience is a timely reminder that it’s critical for both drivers and companies to abide by road safety regulations, as well as making sure their vehicles are suitable before they take off. If you neglect to follow the rules of the road, hefty fines could be in your future and worse yet, other drivers may be put at risk. That’s why it is essential for all motorists to conduct regular vehicle checks; doing so safeguards both yourself and fellow travellers while behind the wheel.

News Credit: Twitter: @gmptraffic

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