On the M5 J2, an abnormal load was stopped by the Central Motorway Police Group (CPMG) for travelling during embargo times. The load was escorted to the DVSA site for weighing, where it was found to be 162.5 tons. The movement order declared weight was 149 tons. This means that the load was overweight by 13.5 tons.

In this instance, the overloaded vehicle was carrying a Marker board which, if structures collapsed, could have resulted in serious injury or even death. Fortunately, the load was stopped before any accidents occurred. However, this incident highlights the need for better regulation of abnormal loads on UK roads 

This incident highlights the need for better regulation of abnormal loads on UK roads. Overloading a vehicle can lead to reduced stability, increased stopping distances and a greater risk of damage to roads. It is essential that all abnormal loads are properly monitored and documented so that the correct precautions can be taken to ensure safe transportation 

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has recently implemented tougher regulations for operators of abnormal loads in order to protect both drivers and other road users. 

So, if you are planning to transport an abnormal load in the UK, you must ensure that it is properly monitored and documented. Failure to do so could result in serious penalties, including fines or even imprisonment.

News Credits: Twitter @CPMG

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